Suburban Master Height Gages
- State-of-the-art readout with soft-touch keyboard and user-friendly graphics.
- Both USB and RS232 ports for data transfer to PC or printer.
- Swivel adjustment on readout for easy viewing.
- Motorized and manual movements with rapid jog.
- Air bearing cushion with built-in air pump.
- Multiple reference points.
- Can be used as a “go/no go” gauge.
- Quick manual squareness measurement.
- CE approved.
- Millimeter/Inch conversion.
- SPC capabilities.
- 1000-step memory.
- 2-D capabilities
- Maximum measurement speed: 600 mm/sec.
- Measuring force: 1 N ± 0.2.
- Battery operation time: 8 hours.
- Operation temperature: 10 to 40C°.
- Rapid jog speed: 35 mm / second.
For more info, visit