A Complete Guide: What are the Drill Press Safety Points?

Posted by Penn Tool Co., Inc on 28th Dec 2022

A Complete Guide: What are the Drill Press Safety Points?

Drill press operations can be life-threatening if not used properly. Continue reading to learn everything about drill press safety rules and guidelines.


Every year, thousands of laborers get severely injured while performing drill press activities. As per the studies, a maximum number of injured laborers are undertrained and lack basic knowledge about drill press safety rules and guidelines. Educating your employees and yourself before the job is one of the most important aspects of the drill press safety checklist that you should never overlook.

A drill press is a versatile powerful tool that allows manufacturers and other developers to reshape or cut different types of applications for their daily business activities. A few basic components or accessories common in every design or model of drill press equipment include a head, quill feed, table lock, elevation crack, hand-feed lever, and a rotating chuck to bore and drill holes or cut the materials into desired pieces or shapes.

Even a slight mistake when pressing the drill machine can give rise to life-threatening injuries and cost huge losses to your business. Hence, it becomes more important than ever to implement smart safety solutions to keep your employees safe and avoid risky situations.

But how to ensure proper safety and minimize risks?

Continue reading to discover solutions to all your drill press safety concerns and get the most out of your projects.

How to use a drill press safely?

Before we get deeper into the drill press safety rules and guidelines, here are some productive ways to increase the efficiency of your workplace for improved safety and quality service.

1. Conduct appropriate training

Without adequate training, your employees won’t know how to operate the equipment correctly and avoid dangerous situations. Educate them well about the different drilling methods and safety precautions. You can also conduct regular workshops to refresh their knowledge and improve drilling skills.

2. Know the types of drill presses

Drill press machines vary in terms of designs, features, and other related factors. Which model to choose depends on the requirement of your project and budget. It is recommended to conduct proper research before investing in any model.

3. Follow safety precautions

It is imperative to follow safety precautions and guidelines to avoid unwanted situations at your workplace. Read the manual provided by the manufacturers to learn more about the correct methods to use the drill press machines.

4. Understand your needs

One of the best ways to discover the most suitable drill press design for your project is to understand your needs and requirements. If you work on small equipment or require the drill press for daily purposes, you should opt for a standard quality design.

5. Proper maintenance is a must

Running regular maintenance and inspections can help determine the potential problems with your equipment. For better results, opt for monthly maintenance and inspection services.

6. Work on OSHA-compliant drill press guard

A safety drill press safety guard protects the operators from getting severely injured due to hot metal chips and swarf created by the rotating drill. Ensure to only invest in  drill press safety guards that are OSHA-compliant.

What safety equipment is required when using a drill press?

Here is the following equipment that you should never avoid while working on the drill press.

1. Safety glasses

During the operation, there is a possibility of small particles getting inside your eyes, resulting in serious injuries. You should only wear appropriate CA-certified  safety glasses. Most low-quality eyeglasses can break quickly and damage the core area of your eyeballs.

2. Ear protection

At times, constant exposure to drilling activities can strain your hearing abilities. Protect your ears by wearing tier-quality  ear protection throughout the operation.

3. Wear a PPE suit

PPE suits are preferable for laborers that spend the maximum time of their day working on the drill press. It is important to note that the drill press PPE suit is different from the typical PPE suit used in construction or different industries.

Things to avoid:

  • Avoid wearing loose and long sleeve clothes.
  • Avoid wearing gloves, rings, watches, bracelets, or any other accessories while working on the drill press.
  • Refrain from using force or extra pressure on the drill press.
  • Avoid leaving the machine on when not in use.
  • Never stop the rotating chuck and spindle with your hands.
  • Tie back your hair. And if needed, wear a protection cap.
  • Avoid removing your work when the drill press is on.
  • Never clean the drill press when in motion or attached to the electricity supply.
  • Never remove the drill press safety guards on your own unless guided by the technician.

Drill Press safety rules:

  • Always wear protective suits. Also include eye and ear protection to avoid hazardous situations.
  • Learn the control keys.
  • Read the manuals thoroughly to know more about the system upgrades and ways to operate different activities.
  • Ensure the start/stop button is within the reach of the operator while performing activities.
  • Always follow the four-inch rule while using the machine.
  • If the machine makes weird noises or stops abruptly, immediately contact the technician and refrain from using the machine.
  • Before operating, always check the screws and broken areas in your machine. This practice will help avoid potentially life-threatening problems and add more life to the machine.
  • Run the drill press safety test after maintenance or repair services.
  • Make a habit of cleaning the machine every day or once done with your daily task. 

To learn more about the drill press safety quiz answers or to speak to one of our representatives, call us at 800-526-4856.

Drill Press safety checklist

Here is a quick drill press safety checklist for a seamless and effective operation experience.

  • The drill press safety test to determine potential problems.
  • Regular cleaning.
  • Switching off the machine when not in use.
  • Check for loose screws to avoid injuries.
  • Wear safety glasses and suits before performing the job.

At Penn Tool Co., we offer tier-one quality drill press machines at affordable and reasonable prices. From safety equipment to different types of drill press machines, we offer everything in one place. Explore our website to learn more about our products or services for a satisfactory customer experience.